Телекинет. 2022. 3(20)

Телекинет. 2022. 3(20) | Telekinet. 2022. 3(20)
Содержание | Contents
[Parkhomenko, Y. A. Representation of Violence, Revolution and Social Change in the Online Series Arcane: League of Legends]
Кузьмина Л. В. Проблема репрезентации повседневности в творчестве А. Панкратова
[Chizhevskaya, O. A. Not made film by Alexander Ptushko “Defeat of the enemy squadron” (Razgrom vrazheskoj eskadry). Its significance
in the professional career of the director]
Долгопят Е. О. «Петух тут не нужен». Обсуждение эскизов фильма «Сказка сказок» Ю. Норштейна
[Krasnova, G. V. “Such is the Custom in VGIK.” Annotated Catalogue of Early Films from the Archive of Irina Zhigalko (part 2)]
[Pateeva, E. V. Anxiety narrative and the construction of distance in the film Claire Denis “Both Sides of the Blade”]