Телекинет. 2018. 1(2)b

cover. 2018. 1(2)







Телекинет. 2018.№1(2) 

Содержание номера
[Saltanov S. S. Pyramid of possibilities: religious elements in “AVP: Alien vs. Predator”]
[Palshkova M. A. Armando Iannucci: “The master of political satire”, or The war of the worlds]
[Sputnitskaya N . Y . Relevant models of blogs about movies in social networks YouTube, Facebook and Instagram]
Казючиц М. Ф. Телевидение и блогосфера: репрезентация классических медиа в социальных сетях
[Kazyuchits M. F. Television and blogs: representation of classic media in social networks]